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Salisbury, Connecticut Drug Rehab by Category
Filter by treatment category:
- Drug Rehab Alcohol Rehab 41
- Detoxification 5
- Methadone Maintenance 2
- Methadone Detoxification 3
- Halfway Housing 4
- Outpatient 70
- Residential Short Term Treatment 6
- Residential Long Term Treatment 8
- Teens 8
- Women 22
- Men 21
- Private Health Insurance 84
- Self Payment 87
- Mental Health Services 57
- Hospital Inpatient 12
- Seniors 12
- Medicaid 87
- Medicare 68
- Military Insurance 42
- Co Occuring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders 46
- Assistance for Hearing Impaired 28
- Spanish 36
- Sliding Scale Fees 36
- DUI and DWI Offenders 2
- Payment Assistance 21
- Gay and Lesbian 17
- Foreign Languages other than Spanish 10
- Pregnant and Postpartum Women 4
- HIV and AIDS 15
- Criminal Justice Clients 13
- Drug and Alcohol Abuse Day Treatment 7
- General Health Services 8
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Before entering into a Salisbury Alcohol Rehabilitation and Drug Treatment Facility, many individuals who have an addiction to drugs or alcohol find that they are unable to quit using on their own. Often times, they become discouraged by their inability to remain strong and resist cravings that they experience while trying to get clean. Alcohol Rehabilitation and Drug Treatment Programs in Salisbury provide those who have a drug addiction the stability and professional relapse prevention skills they need to help them on their path to recovery.
What do you learn about relapse prevention while in Salisbury Drug Treatment and Alcohol Rehab Facilities? Drug Treatment and Alcohol Rehab Facility Relapse Prevention Tips:
Exercise: It sounds simple, and it is. It is proven to work for people who are quitting smoking and smoking is one of the strongest addictions there are. Take a walk around the block or do some other simple exercise.
Socialize: With NEW people! Going back to the people you hung out with to do drugs is almost certainly going to lead you to a relapse. Go to some public events and meet some new people.
Change your environment: This can take on several different levels. You can start by rearranging your furniture and fixing the place up. You also need to change the environment where you spend a lot of time. Don't go back to the old places where the urge to do drugs may be too strong. Try going to some new places and doing new things. Go to a ballgame or to a museum or even a movie.
Minimize Boredom: Boredom is never a good thing. Chances are, if you get bored, it will increase the chances that you will get an urge for drugs. Take up doing crossword puzzles or other games, for example. Keeping yourself busy will help prevent drug addiction relapse.
Eat Better: No one expects you to change every aspect of your diet. It would be wise to throw in a few more fruits and vegetables. Maybe you could drink a couple more glasses of water a day. You may be amazed at how good it can make you feel.
Get Close to People: No need to go out on a hug-fest but let people in. Build strong and healthy relationships with people who are not drug addicts. Get a Mentor: They help you through the rough times and they understand what you are going through. They can be real lifesavers when the urges for drugs or alcohol become overwhelming.
Believe in yourself: Poor self-esteem may very well be what leads people into drug addiction in the first place. Have faith in yourself and don't put yourself down. You are on the right road and doing the right thing.
It is often a very difficult undertaking choosing a Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Facility in Salisbury for you or someone you love. You or your loved one is in crisis, and you must act quickly. Often, loved ones are not knowledgeable about Salisbury Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Programs, or how to find a reputable one that is ideally designed to help. When drug and/or alcohol addiction has become an integral aspect of your loved one's life, time is essential, and you must quickly educate yourself about Alcohol Rehab and Drug Rehabilitation Centers. The fastest way to do this is to read the information the Alcohol Rehab and Drug Rehabilitation Center provides, and then know what questions to ask when you contact these Drug Rehabilitation and Alcohol Rehabs.
Salisbury Alcohol Rehabilitation and Drug Treatment Programs help through teaching relapse prevention skills and other valuable tools necessary for one to remain sober. Though there are a wide variety of options to choose from regarding Drug Treatment and Alcohol Rehab Facilities, it is important to find the drug treatment method that is right for you or your loved one. The help an individual receives for their dependence problems could take place in a variety of settings utilizing numerous approaches. There are many different types of Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Programs available such as outpatient treatment, inpatient treatment, and residential treatment. Each type of drug treatment setting mentioned is commonly associated with a particular approach to drug addiction recovery. It is important that the individual who is looking for help feel comfortable and understand the values the Drug Rehabilitation and Alcohol Rehab Program they choose are run by.
Alcohol Rehab and Drug Rehabilitation Centers that incorporate relapse prevention as part of their drug rehabilitation often times are backed by a solid recovery program. Relapse prevention is critical for the addict to remain clean once they have left the Salisbury Alcohol Rehabilitation and Drug Treatment Facility. Recovery is an ongoing process. The skills one learns during an intensive stay at a Drug Treatment and Alcohol Rehab Facility in Salisbury must be integrated into everyday life and this takes time. Though there are a variety of different types of Drug Rehabilitation and Alcohol Rehabs available, all include strategies for keeping the person in treatment, skills to help the individual handle everyday situations that may cause trouble once they have completed the drug or alcohol rehab and guidance and counseling towards understanding the individual's initial reasons for drug addiction.
Generally, the more Salisbury drug treatment an individual receives the better the outcome. Those who stay in a Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Facility longer than three months often have better outcomes than those who stay less time. Over the last 25 years, studies have shown that Alcohol Rehabilitation and Drug Treatment Programs work to reduce an individual's drug use, relapse rate as well as crimes committed by drug addicted individuals.
Drunk driving is a serious offense in Salisbury and the consequences of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol are become quite severe. According to the state of Connecticut in which the offense is committed, DUI/DWI offenders can get off with just a warning, may lose their driver's license, or might even serve time in prison.
In Salisbury, Connecticut. DUI/DWI offenders may be required to undergo treatment in order to overcome their addiction and eliminate future driving violations. Treatment for these individuals usually comes in the form of some sort of substance abuse treatment program.
In Salisbury, low to moderate drug or alcohol abuse offenders, treatment may involve some sort of group drug/alcohol counseling program, led either by a substance abuse professional or accomplished through participation in a self-help group. Usually, offenders will be assigned a particular number of hours or weeks during which participation in alcohol or drug counseling is required, such as 20 hours in group sessions or six months in the self-help setting.
Many DUI/DWI offenders in Salisbury, are requested to attend presentations sponsored by groups like MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) or SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions), where they may hear DUI/DWI horror stories from people who have lost loved ones in accidents caused by people like themselves.
If DUI/DWI offenders in Salisbury, are deemed to be high-risk or have committed multiple offenses, they may be sentenced to a residential or inpatient treatment program, with failure to comply resulting in imprisonment. Residential drug/alcohol programs involve living in a 24-hour-a-day licensed treatment facility where the DUI/DWI offender is subject to group and individual counseling and other services that will hopefully result in his living a drug- or alcohol-free life once the alcohol or drug treatment is completed.
When imprisonment is court-mandated, treatment programs for DUI/DWI offenders are usually instituted within the confines of the prison and may take several different forms, including group and individual counseling.
Local and nearby Listings For Salisbury, Connecticut
Brien Center for MH and SA
Brien Center for MH and SA is an Alcohol Treatment and Drug Rehabilitation Center that is located at 60 Cottage Street Great Barrington, MA 1230. You can contact Brien Center for MH and SA by calling 413-528-9156.
- Types of Services
- Drug Rehab Alcohol Rehab, Outpatient, Co Occuring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, DUI and DWI Offenders, Assistance for Hearing Impaired
- Payment Structure
- Sliding Scale Fees
- Payment Forms
- Medicaid, Medicare, Military Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment
Midwestern CT Council of Alcoholism
Midwestern CT Council of Alcoholism is an Alcohol Rehabilitation and Drug Treatment Facility that is located at 30 Peck Road Torrington, CT 6790. You can contact Midwestern CT Council of Alcoholism by calling 860-482-2613 x2400.
- Types of Services
- Drug Rehab Alcohol Rehab, Outpatient, Co Occuring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Women, Men, DUI and DWI Offenders, Criminal Justice Clients, Spanish
- Payment Structure
- Payment Forms
- Medicaid, Military Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment
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